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Romania 2010. Sectorul neguvernamental - profil, tendinte, provocari. Rezumat

In aceasta sectiune este prezentat un sumar al Studiului FDSC realizat in anul 2010 "România 2010. Sectorul neguvernamental. Profil, tendinţe, provocări".

"Studiul de fata este cel mai complet de acest tip realizat in ultimii 10 ani in Romania. Necesitatea acestuia a devenit cu atat mai pronuntata cu cat, in procesul de integrare in Uniunea Europeana, sectorul neguvernamental, ca parte a societatii romanesti, a suferit transformari si trece in
continuare prin schimbari substantiale. Atat pentru practicieni cat si pentru publicul larg este important ca originile, dimensiunea si perspectivele acestor transformari sa fie intelese.
In acelasi timp, ca parte a unui sistem democratic de tip european pe care Romania incearca sa il internalizeze, sectorul neguvernamental este un actor foarte important care are nevoie sa fie mai bine cunoscut si definit pentru a se putea consolida si dezvolta in continuare.
Nu in ultimul rand, raportul pune accentul pe importantul rol economic si social pe care sectorul neguvernamental il are mai ales in contextul crizei economice si a reformelor institutionale actuale. " (paragraf din capitolul Introducere)


You can find here a summary of the CSDF study realised in 2010 "Romania 2010. Non-governmental Sector. Profile, Tendencies, Challenges".

"This study is the most complex study of this kind performed during the latest 10 years in Romania. It has become even more necessary as, during the adhesion process to the European Union, the non-governmental sector, as part of the Romanian society, suffered important transformations and is still undergoing substantial changes. It is important, both for the practitioners and for the public, to understand the origins, dimension and perspectives of these changes.
At the same time, as part of a European democratic system that Romania is trying to internalize, the non-governmental sector is a very important actor who needs to be better known and defined in order to carry on strengthening and developing.
Not least, the report focuses on the important economic and social role of the non-governmental sector, especially in the context of economic crisis and of the current institutional reforms."
(Foreword - paragraph)

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