«  Acest site este cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013  »

Carti Institut

1. Business Planning for Enduring Social Impact: A Social-Entrepreneurial Approach to Solving Social Problems, Andrew Wolk, Kelley Kreitz, Root Cause, 2008 (978-0615182841)

2. Cooperative Banking in Europe: Case Studies (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions), Vittorio Boscia, Alessandro Carretta and Paola Schwizer, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 (978-0230576773)

3. The Changing Boundaries of Social Enterprises - Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED), Antonella NOYA, OECD Publishing, 2009 (978-9264055261)

4. The Creation And Destruction of Social Capital: Entrepreneurship, Co-operative Movements And Institutions,Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen, Edward Elgar Pub, 2005 (978-1845425333)

5. Co-production: The Third Sector and the Delivery of Public Services, Victor Pestoff, Taco Brandsen, Routledge, 2008 (978-0415568562)

6. A Democratic Architecture for the Welfare State, Victor A. Pestoff, Routledge, 2008 (978-0415475952)

7. Employment Relations in the Voluntary Sector: Struggling to Care, Ian Cunningham, Routledge, 2008 (978-0415427135)

8. The Emergence of Social Enterprise, Carlo Borzaga, Jacques Defourny, Routledge, 2004 (978-0415339216)

9. Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector International Perspectives, Susan Phillips, Steven Rathgeb Smith, Routledge, 2010 (978-0415774772)

10. The Ownership of Enterprise, Henry Hansmann, Harvard University Press, 2000 (978-0674001718)

11. The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets That Change the World, John Elkington,  Pamela Hartigan, Harvard Business School Press, 2008 (978-1422104064)

12. RETHINKING CITIZENSHIP, Maurice Roche, Blackwell, 1992 (978-0745603070)

13. The Study of the Nonprofit Enterprise: Theory and approaches, Helmut K. Anheier, Avner Ben-Ner, Springer, 2003 (978-0306478550)

14. Social Enterprise: At the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society, Marthe Nyssens, Routledge, 2006 (978-0415378796)

15. Social Entrepreneurship : The Art of Mission-Based Venture Development, Peter C. Brinckerhoff, Wiley, 2000 (978-0471362821)

16. Social Entrepreneurship For Dummies, Mark Durieux, Robert Stebbins, For Dummies, 2010 (978-0470538081)

17. Tackling Social Exclusion in Europe: The Contribution of the Social Economy, Roger Spear, Jaques Defourny, Loius Favreau, Jean-Louis Laville, Ashgate Pub Ltd, 2001 (978-0754613831)

18. Third Sector Policy at the Crossroads - An International Non-profit Analysis, Helmut K. Anheier, Jeremy Kendall, Routledge, 2001 (978-0415213134)

19. The Third Sector in Europe, Adalbert Evers, Jean-Louis Laville, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004 (978-1843764007)

20. Understanding the Social Economy, Social Capital and the Third Sector, Simon Bridge, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 (978-0230518131)

21. Voluntary Organizations and Public Service Deliver, Ian Cunningham, Philip James, Routledge, 2011 (978-0415874731)

22. Analiza politicilor publice, Dunn, William N. , Polirom, 2010 (POL973-46-1700-5)

23. Capitalismul Bun, Capitalismul Rau, Baumol, William J., Polirom, 2009(POL973-46-1104-1)

24. Dictionar de politici publice, Laurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot , Polirom, 2009 (POL973-46-1431-8)

25. Dictionar al gandirii sociologice , Borlandi, Masimo (coord), Polirom, 2009( POL973-46-0607-8)

26. Dictionar al metodelor de cercetare sociala , Jupp, Victor, Polirom, 2010 (POL973-46-1616-9)

27. Dictionarul Blackwell de sociologie, Allan G., Johnson, Humanitas, 2007 (978-9735016326)

28. Democratizarea. O introducere critica, Jean Grugel , Polirom, 2008 (978-9734610648)

29. Economie sociala si antreprenoriat , Vlăsceanu, Mihaela, Polirom, 2010 (POL973-46-1769-2)

30. Evaluarea programelor de asistenta sociala , Cojocaru , Stefan, Polirom, 2010 (POL973-46-1485-1)

31. Enciclopedia dezvoltarii sociale, Catalin Zamfir & Simona Maria Stanescu, Polirom, 2007 (978-9734607020)

32. Fundamentele Politicii Vol. I, Miroiu, Adrian, Polirom, 2006                    

33. Fundamentele Politicii Vol. II, Miroiu, Adrian, Polirom, 2007 (POL973-46-0582-8)

34. Gandirea Sociala, Rouquette , Michel-Louis , Polirom, 2010 (POL973-46-1645-9)

35. Guvernarea Bunurilor Comune, Ostrom,Elinor, Polirom, 2007 (POL973-46-0768-6)

36. Istoria Ideilor Politice, Nay , Olivier , Polirom, 2008 (POL973-46-0714-3)

37. Introducere in politici sociale comparate, Lazar, Florin , Polirom, 2010 (POL973-46-1660-2)

38. Marea Ruptura, Fukuyama, Francis, Humanitas, 2011 (HUM973-50-0266-3)

39. Practica dezvoltarii comunitare, Sandu, Dumitru, Polirom, 2007 (POL973-46-0691-7)

40. Putere Si Interdependenta, Keohane, Robert O. Nye,  Joseph S., Polirom, 2009 (POL973-46-1215-4)

41. Practica cercetarii sociale, Babbie , Earl, Polirom, 2010 (POL973-46-1274-1)

42. ROMANIA POSTSOCIALISTA, Kideckel,David A., Polirom, 2010 (POL973-46-1739-5)

43. Sisteme moderne de asistenta sociala , Buzducea, Doru, Polirom, 2009 (POL973-46-1332-8)

44. Viata sociala in Romania urbana, Sandu Dumitru, Comsa Mircea, Rughinis Cosima , Polirom, 2006 (POL973-46-0247-0)

50. Cum sa scrii scrisori de vanzari care vand-secretele unui direct mail de succes, Bird, Drayton , Publica, 2008 (978-973-88-3650-1)

51. Teoria generala a ocuparii fortei de munca, a dobanzii si a banilor, Keynes, John Maynard, Publica, 2009 (978-973-19-3102-9)

52. Buzzmarketing, Hughes, Mark , Publica, 2008 (978-973-88-7494-7)

53. Funky Business Forever-Cum sa ne bucuram de capitalism, Nordstrom K.,  Ridderstrale J., Publica, 2011 (978-973-1931-06-7)

54. Pretul inegalitatii. Cum societatea divizata din ziua de astazi ne pune in pericol viitorulStiglitz, Joseph E., Publica, 2013 (978-606-8360-26-3)

55. Viitorul managementului, Hamel Gary , Breen Bill , Publica, 2009 (978-973-1931-51-7)

56. Comoara de la baza piramidei, Prahalad, C.K. , Publica, 2009 (978-973-19-3117-3)

57. Ascensiunea si declinul planificarii strategice, Mintzberg, Henry , Publica, 2008 (978-973-88-7501-2)

58. Avutia natiunilor, Smith, Adam , Publica, 2011 (978-973-1931-78-4)

59. Cercul inovatiei, Peters, Tom,  Publica, 2011 (978-973-1931-82-1)

60. In retea. De ce sharing-ul reprezinta viitorul afacerilor, Gansky, Lisa, Publica, 2011 (978-973-1931-64-7)

61. Business Minds. Intra in mintea celor mai mari ganditori de management, Crainer Stuart , Brown Tom , Publica, 2008 (978-973-88-7491-6)

62. Karaoke Capitalism. Management pentru omenire, Nordstrom K.,  Ridderstrale J., Publica, 2008 (978-973-88-3652-5)

63. Buyology. Adevaruri si minciuni despre motivele pentru care cumparam, Lindstrom, Martin, Publica, 2011(978-973-1931-59-3)

64.  Introducere in SPSS pentru psihologie, Cramer Duncan , Howitt Dennis , Polirom, 2010 (978-973-46-1649-7)

65. Capitalismul incotro? Criza economica, mersul ideilor, institutii, Daianu, Daniel , Polirom, 2009 (978-973-46-1427-1)

66. Startup de 100$, Guillebeanu, Chris , Publica, 2013 (978-606-8360-39-3)

67. Cum sa vinzi un elefant albastru. Afla ce-si doresc cu adevarat consumatorii, Moskowitz Howard R., Gofman Alex, Curtea Veche, 2012 (978-606-588-310-9)

68. Excelenta in afaceri, Collins, Jim, Curtea Veche, 2010 (978-973-669-907-8)

69. Steve Jobs. Secretele inovatiei. Principii radicale pentru un succes rasunator, Gallo, Carmine, Curtea Veche, 2011 (978-606-588-225-6)

70. Development, Civil Society and Faith-Based Organizations: Bridging the Sacred and the Secular, Clarke Gerard  , JenningsMichael, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 (978-0230020016)

71. Civicness in the Governance and Delivery of Social Services, Editors: BrandsenTaco, Dekker Paul, Evers Adalbert, Nomos Publishers, 2010 (978-3832954208)

72. Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability, Bell Jeanne , Masaoka Jan, Zimmerman Steve , Jossey-Bass, 2010 (978-0470598290)

73. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time, Polanyi Karl , Beacon Press, 2001 (978-0807056431)

74. New Public Governance, the Third Sector, and Co-Production, Editors: Pestoff Victor , Brandsen Taco , Verschuere  Bram , Routledge, 2011 (978-0415897136)

75. The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, Editors: Powell Walter W., Steinberg  Richard, Yale University Press, 2006     (978-0300109030)

76. The Human Economy, Hart Keith, Laville Jean-Louis, Cattani Antonio David, Polity, 2010 (978-0745649801)

77. Fundraising for Social Change, Klein Kim, Jossey-Bass, 2011 (978-0470887172)

78. Social Economics: Market Behavior in a Social Environment, Becker Gary S. , Murphy Kevin M., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003 (978-0674011212)

79. Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity, Editors: Kolm Serge-Christophe, Ythier Jean Mercier, North Holland, 2006 (978-0444521453)

80. The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector, Editors:Ott J. Steven , Dicke  Lisa A. , Westview Press, 2011 (978-0813344911)

81. Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science, Wheelan, Charles W. W. Norton & Company, 2010 (978-0393337648)

82. The Everything Economics Book: From theory to practice, your complete guide to understanding economics today , Mayer,  David A., Adams Media , 2010 (978-1440506024)

83. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, North Douglass C., Cambridge University Press, 1990 (978-0521397346)

84. Social Enterprises: An Organizational Perspective, Editors: Gidron Benjamin, Hasenfeld Yeheskel, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 (978-0230358799)

85. The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company, Blank  Steve, Dorf  Bob, K & S Ranch, 2012 (978-0984999309)

86. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, Osterwalder Alexander , Pigneur Yves, Wiley, 2010 (978-0470876411)

87. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Ostrom, Elinor, Cambridge University Press,   1990 (978-0521405997)

88. Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today, Editors: Hann Chris,Hart Keith , Cambridge University Press, 2011 (978-0521295086)

89. Linking the Formal and Informal Economy: Concepts and Policies, Editors: Guha-Khasnobis Basudeb, Kanbur Ravi, Ostrom Elinor, Oxford University Press, 2007 (978-0199237296)

90. The Complete Guide to Fundraising Management , Weinstein, Stanley , Wiley, 2009(978-0470375068)

91. The Nonprofit Outcomes Toolbox: A Complete Guide to Program Effectiveness, Performance Measurement, and Results, Penna, Robert M. , Wiley, 2011 (978-1118004500)

92. Dilemmas of the Welfare Mix: The New Structure of Welfare in an Era of Privatization, Editors: Ascoli Ugo, Ranci Costanzo, Springer, 2002 (978-0306467790)

93. With  Justice for All: A Strategy for Community Development, Perkins John M. , ReadHowYouWant, 2012 (978-1459625334)

94. Social Enterprise: At the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society, Nyssens, Marthe editor, Routledge, 2006 (978-0415378796)

95. Anuarul Statistic al Romaniei, Institutul National de Statistica, Institutul National de Statistica, 2012                   

96. Politici de incluziune sociala in perioada de criza economica, Coordonatori: Zamfir Catalin, Stanescu Simona, Cosmin Briciu, Expert, 2010 (973-618-240-1)

97. A social inclusion roadmap for Europe 2020, Frazer Hugh, Marlier Eric, Nicaise Ides, Garant, 2010 (978-90-441-2667-9)

98. Social economy and social entrepreneurship, European Commission, 2013 (978-92-79-26866-3)

99. Impresa sociale di comunita-Strumenti per la creazione e la gestione, Demozzi Marina, Zandonai Flaviano, Edizioni 31, 2008 (978-88-88224-46-6)

100. Social Enterprise:a new model ofr poverty reduction and emplyment generation, UNPD, 2008 (978-92-9504-278-0)

101. Making difference in life, European Commission, 2009 (978-92-79-12676-5)



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